A very very sweet girl that loves animals and the world. She is the most easiest person to make friends with! She is super sweet and wouldnt hurt anyone on purpose. She can be shy when hanging around the guy she likes but can be VERY kinky in bed. She wants to show her bad side sometimes she just doesnt want everyone to know about it
Guy #1: Dang, have you see Kelsey in bed?
Guy #2: I didnt know she was like that!
by Thestraycat April 29, 2012
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One of the best people ever. Kelseys are usually great listeners and like to write letters. They can be super people but they are also bitchy when you get on their bad side. They occasionally love cats.
Girl: Kelsey. I love her.
by kelseylikescats May 14, 2011
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An amazing girl who is the most intelligent, beautiful, funny and interesting person you'll ever meet. Known ways to determine if a girl is named Kelsey: they are smart, gorgeous, radiant, friendly, positive, exciting and loved. She is known for her wonderful smile, her awesome personality and her ability to make the people around her feel great. Kelsey's are known as some of the most beautiful girls on this planet, though they usually fail to realize this. They are usually seen drinking a tea or surfing the internet for interesting items. They are extremely interesting and amazingly good at knowing if something is wrong or if you're not feeling well. Likes to stand up for her beliefs and her friends. Known to be seen relaxing outside on a rainy day or sitting on the porch with her cats. Known to be loved by many and missed greatly when her beautiful smile is far away. Hard to leave. Known for causing a reaction in a person that causes an uncontrollable urge to hold, kiss and love. An amazing girl in every aspect, it is impossible for one to be sad around her.
Wow, that girl is pretty amazing, her name must be Kelsey.

1: Kelsey is the kind of girl you'd do anything for.
2: I know what you mean, she's just amazing.
1: It's hard not to feel this way about such a girl.
by zleader87 February 14, 2010
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a girl who is most likely still withh an asshole even thouggh she knows hes one. this chica probably has a hard time opening her eyes to the reality that shes so much better than this and without a doubt deserves the very best, which is no where close to tke kid shes goes with. Kelsey is a cute, lovable person but tends to let people take advantage of her good nature. She is also sexy and has other obviously good physical features, but she has so much more to offer and should be treated respectively. Alsooo Kelseys are also the best tennis fans known to earth and have amazing t shirt creating skills. Everybody loves a kelsey and would never let one go, unless they re a retarded asshole of course :)
Teammate- Damn Seiler, who was that girl you were chillin with?

#1 player- The cute one with the freckles? That'd be Kelsey :)

Teammate- luckyyy....

#1 player- yessir
by PostingTillAccepted April 13, 2010
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Extremely beautiful but never thinks so. If you know a Kelsey, green eye'd ones are the best.
Sexy, a good dancer, and smart beyond belief, you'll know a Kelsey when you see one.

They often are rough, tough little shits but they're worth the work.
They'll always be the one you run to, and if you know a Kelsey,
Don't piss her off. She might do something weird like smack you on the forehead with her phone or dislocate your toe.
Kelseys are always fun-loving and badass, sometimes short but that doesn't mean they don't have a bigass load of personality and heart.
If a Kelsey doesn't like you, you better watch your back because she'll have it coming for you.

Even if she doesn't hang out with the well-known crowd, she still makes it work and lets all her friends know they're safe with her.
person1: Damn, she's hot. Badass, too. I've heard things she's done.
person2: Yeah, that's Kelsey.
by Elfy The Sheep December 3, 2011
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this girl is the most amazing person you will EVER meet. she has impacted my life alot, more than anyone will ever know. Kelsey is simply....amazing. And if your dating a girl named kelsey, dont let her go.
"Dude your dating a Kelsey"?
"Yeah man why"?
"Cus they are amazing".
by MikenIke1610 April 12, 2010
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A Kelsey is the most rare of the rare. You will never find another Kelsey like her. Kelsey are the most sweet and observant of all. They are always in pain. Even when smiling they still hurt. A Kelsey always wears her heart on her sleeve but never lends it to people she knows will hurt it. Kelsey's will try and try for something until they succed. If you mess with a Kelsey or one of her friends you will most definately regret it. She is the best and trustworthy friend you will ever have. No matter what goes down a Kelsey has got you. Now if a Kelsey loves you.. you are truely something special it takes a lot to reeve up a Kelsey. So hold on to the Kelsey. Because once you set her free she will find someone else.
Synonyms: amazing, loyal, caring, most understanding thing, Kelsey

Antonyms: Gangster, Hater, judger, easy to get

common misspelling: Kelsie, Kelsi, Kelsea
by Kelsey Hansen August 19, 2008
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