Chris Richardson was the hottie from American Idol Season 6 (along with Blake Lewis). He got voted off on Bon Jovi/Idol Gives Back week finishing in 5th place. Some say he was voted off because of his Justin Timberlake-similiarities. His fanbase was called The Richness. His fanbase with Blake Lewis was called CAKE, BLISS, or MURTLE.
Did you see Cake last night? Blake Lewis and Chris Richardson were both amazingly hott.
by iheartblakelewis August 3, 2007
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A liam richardson is a gigantic fuck that nobody likes. If you meet one you are cursed for eternity. FUCK LIAM RICHARDSON. A Liam Richardson, loves ugly chicks because he has terrible taste, but when they see his dick, they ask why he has a chode, shaped cashew there. Liam Richardson was born on the highway because thats where all the accidents happen
Nobody likes Liam Richardson
by skyeeagle17 January 9, 2018
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The word Charlotte Richardson mean loud annoying and a great road crossing teacher.
OMG she is such a Charlotte Richardson
by 123annoying321 December 12, 2019
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Blake Richardson. A roadman who hands out with his gang called New Hope Club. He acquires his adidas tracksuit bottoms . He is thoroughly known by many people in and out of his country. Many girls love him and his gang. And him and his mates love a cheeky Nando's.
Reece Bibby: yo fam, holla at ya boy when you wanna hit up TCPC, word to ya ma.

George Smith: waddup cuz, what you chattin'?

Blake Richardson: bring your man bag my roadmen, need you to bring ya purse for cheeky Nando's with the other lads. (Ben & Tanner) #spicy #lemonchicken #roadmen
by George Smith is Sexyyy April 18, 2019
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A simp for Addie. Used to have a new girlfriend every other week. Bad taste in shoes. In love with Hollister. Known as one of gmacs exes, also known as Noah Rich. In stoopid math. Loves watermelon gum. Dating Nick Contento. Plays baseball #99. Wants to marry Addie. Thinks he's 6'2 when he's 5'10. Gets jealous of Addie when she talks to a guy when he has 1000000000 girl best friends. Lost 18 fights with Addie
by jfnuighsdfiueghubejh April 29, 2022
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