A gaze, glare or glower that is meant to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies. Originated from Sesame Street's Cookie Monster, it is most often portrayed in an image of him with something other than cookies, making quite the angry face.
One of the most common ways to preform the Death Stare is just shooting the glare at someone, but for the most effect, it's best to turn your head S-L-O-W-L-Y and pair the glare with a very prominent exhale. Maybe even some harsh whispering.
A common form of defense used by a Calum, a Vanessa or an Amber.
Random jock: Man, is that your face or did your neck throw up?

You: *Death stare and harsh whisper* Shut... your face...

Random jock: O_O" Alrighty then...
by Chou Yuuki April 13, 2010
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A gaze representing obvious sexual desire, usually accompanied by the licking of lips and the darting of the eyes, ever so slightly, toward the penis.
Dude, Sean's mom was totally giving me the cock stare all night.
by Thefastestmidget July 18, 2005
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When you stare at something with out really looking at it. This happens often when one is day dreaming about something.
I was totally blank staring at the board in math today. My teacher thought I was actually listening!
by Anna Banana Bread June 2, 2010
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An occurrence which happens during a spit roasting encounter. During said event the two participants which are face fucking and humping the middle participant accidentally make eye contact which creates an eerie and awkward situation. Once eye contact is made it is said that Satan's efforts for world dominion have been furthered through such an unholy communion.
Dude, when we were pounding that whore last night we experienced the Devil's Stare, I kinda feel bad about the whole ordeal..."
by Hen-Daddy February 16, 2014
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The stare from a female that a male gets after ejaculating directly after insertion.
Ive become all to familiar with the Cummie Stare.
by Cummy Master May 29, 2012
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The slack-jawed look of a typical man who is staring obviously at a womens boobs. The common man, while in this trance, is oblivious to all activities other than the bouncing of the target females boobs.

Usually ends disastrously (a slap to the face.)
Kasey: Oh. My. God. That freak Aaron is giving me a boob stare! Eeeeeewww...

Aaron: Hey bro, check it out! Are you seeing what i am seeing? Look at Kasey's boobs!!!
by Boobinator15 August 12, 2011
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The blank, uncaring stare a bassist gives to a guitarist when the guitarist goes on about how he learned that if he holds a chord on lower frets, he can sound like Kirk Hammett, or anything like that.
Guitarist: "Dude, if i hold a D-chord but put my middle finger on the G-string and play them fast, it will sound like the intro to Master Of Puppets. Isn't that cool Jared?"

Bassist:(Gives Bassist stare)(Not paying attention. Thinking of girls in G-strings) Oh ya, Cameron. that's crazy
by Dave Grohl Bass February 20, 2010
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