A beutiful couple!!!! They're fucking goals!!!
"Aww I ship Sommer and Rice together"
"Too cute. Rice and Sommer are goals "
by The.Clout.Gang September 23, 2017
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Leon Sommer is a big fat retard who has autism.
You act alot like Leon Sommer
by Ponzur November 16, 2022
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An American author and former philosophy professor who is best known for her writings on and criticism of modern feminism. Two of her most notable books are “Who Stole Feminism?” and “The War on Boys”. She is also known for coining the terms "equity feminist" and "gender feminist." The former being about having equal legal rights between men and women, while the latter is having a gynocentric view on society, which is usually synonymous with hating men. Sommers considers herself an equity feminist and is critical of gender feminism. In 2013, she was awarded the Exceptional Merit in Media Award by the National Women's Political Caucus, founded by Gloria Steinem.

Feminists and social justice warriors have accused Sommers of being anti-feminist and a right-wing, misogynist. Sommers responded with a tweet reading; "Some critics denounce me as 'right-winger.' Fact: Former sixties flower child/socialist. Now (registered) Democrat -- with libertarian leanings.” Ironically, most of her supporters tend to identify as antifeminist or egalitarian, rather than feminist. Sommers also hosts a video blog, "The Factual Feminist," in which she discusses the latest issues involving feminism with credible sources to back up her claims. She is also a supporter of GamerGate, a group of people within the gaming industry against unethical behavior and radical beliefs being forced into the mainstream. Many have given her the nickname "Based Mom" as a sign of respect.
Christina Hoff Sommers brings up a great deal of interesting and factual information regarding feminism in modern-day society.
by spootyhead May 20, 2016
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Dirty slut bag who sends nudes to every guy that ever exists and asks like she never did anything. She says she’s ugly and then she post shit of her in bikinis and ass pics on her vsco. Sommer is a girl u can’t trust. Sommers May be pretty, but they usually have pretty bad personalities. U try to talk to them and they’re such good people and outgoing, but as soon as u continue to get to know them, they start to become the Person u never wanted to be friends with. She blatantly lies about everything and expects people to trust her even boys! She doesn’t notice what’s around her and she’s the most immature person u will ever meet. She’s way to sexual. If u want a three am hookup, Sommer is the way to go.
guys did you see “sommer’s” nudes?

Omg yeah the ones that she’s fingering herself!

Yeah bro her asshole is hairy
*nudes all around the high school*


friend- sorry bro lmao
by Ur dad. April 18, 2019
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by DeathMoon65 July 15, 2020
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The nicest person you’ll ever meet meet! Maja is pretty, smart, attractive, and any other amazing words wou can think of she’s very intelligent and cute. She’ll always be there for you. Maja is the best person you could ever meet. Maja is also very attractive and boys will always be shocked and
maja sommer is a great person
by vrpill June 5, 2022
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One who is not inclined to perform physical activity or hang out with his pals. Often used to define milk drinkers in sharp contrast to the average lad who craves beer drinking with his buds.
"Harald is such a sommerstad he preferes his girlfriend to a hard night drinking out with the boys...."

"- What happened to Jacob?
- He made a sommer-stad, he came to my party and threw up all over my bathroom floor & walls.
- Oh, he should have stuck to milk drinking"
by Kimbodogg January 10, 2008
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