Participating in a sexual encounter with a goat. Essentially beastiality, but with a goat.
"Dude, he totally snoo'd on the weekend!"

"I know dude, so did I! Best snoo ever."
by YouBeenSnoo'd April 9, 2014
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1)A woman's vagina, esp. referring to one which is laden with undesirable qualities. 2)An undesirable, loud-mouthed and outspoken female. (see also: Total fucking bitch
"Hey, Mark! I'm gonna make your mouth look like an exit wound, you prick!"
"Yeah? Just come here and try it--I'll kick you right in the snoo!"
by Uncle Filthy February 22, 2010
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one that is a big homo and not in a nice way cant be a girl or a guy only an andres (and it means they look funny to)
stop being a fucking snoo fat ass
by seb411 September 22, 2006
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A Snigga Snoo is an adjective for a friend or an allie.
Hello my fellow snigga snoos how are you doing.
by tooncogin5 April 29, 2012
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Another word for cum,came,jizz,jizzed or any derivative of many different words for cum
"Hey you've got some snoo on your lip"
by PysKo February 26, 2010
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one big fgt one huge fgt there so gay you can smell it off of them
yo andres your a snoo
by dont need to now September 15, 2006
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some thing to say to a person who has just sneezed.
(some one sneezes) "Ha-snoos my friend"
by zarfog April 15, 2007
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