that black guys such a rump because he has a dick in his ass
by sunnyman September 6, 2008
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to touch someone's butt when unexpected.
Dude, Jackie just rumped me!!!! I might have to rump her back.
by Tommy Peters November 11, 2006
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to get fucked up on quaaludes, alcahol or any other type of drug that the white man created to bring the black race down. Can't nobody hold us down!!!
Jamal: yo, tyrone, whats real good?
Tyrone: pssht, don't know nigga, you?
Jamal: I'm going to skip work to get rumped.
Tyone: word
(5 step handshake exchange followed by local gang sign)
by Lorraine December 27, 2003
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To frolic or to play with a friend(s) originally on the t.v show Charlie Brown
hello i would like to know if snoopy would like to come out and rump with me
by walking pylon July 12, 2009
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Neil got so rump riled when the cafeteria had no vegan food lol.
by bemorechadlike March 4, 2017
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Alternative to "big ass cheeks" with insane fluidity in movement.
When asked for payment, Alex replied, "Hold on, let me pull out my rump shaker".
by Gggghjbftgvvdaa224fv October 14, 2022
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