The act of shooting a living thing, usually a person, and sexually penetrating the bullet hole.
"What the fuck is up with this nigga, man? Bitch best step the fuck back befo' he get a Compton hole punch."
by Danny Delinquent November 3, 2006
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Sexy time with a female, oral, anal and vaginal followed by a punch to the face. Best used when breaking up.
I gave that bitch the 3 Hole punch last nigh then I kicked her ass to the street.
by WOO X March 12, 2011
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1. The act of your waitress/server loading your spit cup.
2. Getting punched in the butt...
Hey Hannah can you butt-hole punch that spitter for me! Is that really to much to ask?!?
by TheFixerofOne July 12, 2019
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When you have a threesome with two chicks and put it in each one of their holes during the duration of said name threesome.
Her step-mom walked in on me three hole punching her daughter and I invited her to make it into a six hole punch.
by BigtetisMcgee April 22, 2020
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During a four-way sexual encounter involving three men and one woman, the act of triple-penetrating the woman.
Man we met this really freaky chick out last night and took her back to our hotel for the ole triple hole punch.
by WillB May 3, 2006
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When a straight couple assumes the sixty nine position, while the man gives her the shocker and the woman blows him simultaneously.
It started it off as just a blowjob, but within seconds I was giving my girlfriend the three hole punch.
by Phillyguy3 May 27, 2011
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