High Impact Halo term used only when absolute pwnage is acheived. usually made to make little kids cry
a. OMGWTFBBQ u are horrible i owned u u nubcake

b. shut up, im a little kid that doesnt know any better and i can scream at you as loud as i want cuz i have parents that dont give a shit cuz im spoiled and u must be a modder cuz my mom says i can never lose if i try (runs off crying)
by jesterofthepoon October 14, 2006
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Your friend had a birthday (or other special event) but didn't invite all of his pals over for a barbecue. So you write to him, "Oh My God, Where's The Fucking Barbecue?" or "OMGWTFBBQ?" because you totally want to celebrate too!
Dude1: Yeah, last weekend I totally lost my virginity.
Dude2: Sweet dude; OMGWTFBBQ?
by IWantMyBBQ September 11, 2007
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OmgWtfBbq stands for Oh my god, What the fuck, Bitch better quit, not Oh My God, What the fuck, Barbeque like some people here giving the wrong definition. Rate me up =
usually used with friends or big arguements.
Steve: hey man, i was hitting on your momma yesterday
Steve: im sorry bro

Kidmolester: ...And thats why kiddy porn should be legal.
kidmolester: oh ok :(
(thats a few children you helped stopped getting exposed.)
by Tommii April 17, 2009
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An acronym that stands for "Oh my god what the fuck bitch be quiet" but can also be used for "Oh my god what the fuck barbeque."
"Hey, tell that bitch to be quiet!"

by Improved April 12, 2007
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An abbreviation for the words "Oh My God What The Fuck Be Back Quick". Usually used when somthing happens that requires your immediate attention.
(chatting in a game)

"OMGWTFBBQ my cat just plugged up my toilet!!!"
by Ninja Carrot May 21, 2009
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A statement commonly used by Superman to indicate a special situation has arisin.

Abbreviation of Oh My Gosh - What the Fuck? - Be Back Quick
{Superman is chatting on IRC}

sexigirl663: So, what are you wearing right now?
Superman: red underpants on top of a blue spandex bodysuit

{Sky turns green}

by TrevorTheCat April 18, 2007
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This has nothing to do with a barbeque or picnic!!!

Oh my God. What the f*ck? I got burned!

Like in BBQ when you burn or blacken food to get the taste.
OMGWTFBBQ!!! (as if a coworker backstabbed you or you ended up having to work a holiday you requested off)
by melandy7682 April 22, 2009
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