Heres an easy way to either
A. Give your "scene" credibility or
B. Make fun of kids from different "scenes"
Just take a normal, run of the mill, genre, and add -core to the end of it. Bonus points if you put "X" in the middle of it, as its totally scene.
Now that you're uber indie, you can be as much of a dick as you damn well please. and spew as much shit as you desire, and because you're "alternative", people will automatically assume you are "OMGz, teh hotxXxorz. Bonus points if you look like a blind person who hates you cut your hair.
Fuck -core kids. I dont make differences between indie, emo, scene, hxXxc, folk core, metalcore emocore etc...... They all have equally retarded haircuts. What ever happened to actual metal scenes? Thats right, Mtv raped the credibility they had.
by jhrfdvyuhdregafdhgfdh August 5, 2007
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A close group of friends. Inseparable.
After knowing the guys in Guano for some time now, it was great when Jack told me, "you know you are now Guano core." Being core is tight.
by Jimbaround February 3, 2005
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Hardcore dancing, moshing, flailing, et cetera.
Used to describe hardcore dancing in general by those who aren't metal heads but aren't indie snobs.
Ah, man, did you see Josh coring last night! Fucking radical.

I cored so hard last night, you should have been there!

Dude, we're going to core so mental tonight.
by OrllyMmk October 25, 2010
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1.) The center of a body of matter, usually spherical.

2.) The cause of something
We have got to get to the core of this.
by August 17, 2003
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someone who thinks the world revolves around them and is very sefl centered and self absorbed
That was rude of Meagan to act core.
by Juliet August 16, 2003
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The middle of a pimple, the hard part that is surrounded by pus or other liquidy material.
I squeezed out the pus but I didn't get the core, so I know the pimple will come back.
by Heptune May 11, 2005
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Coreness, appeal,'s all important to skating
by Crypto Skate February 18, 2018
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