The "mank" is a form of the woman's tank, but worn by a man. The "mank" is normally worn by a metro sexual, or gay male.
Did you see the nelly furtado video? Timberland was totally rocking a "mank"!
by unju August 7, 2006
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A mystery, one of the words composing the word MANKIND.
Maybe in order to understand mankind we have to look at that word itself. MANKIND. Basically, it's made up of two separate words "mank" and "ind."

What do these words mean? It's a mystery and that's why so is mankind.
-From Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey
by Lon D November 30, 2006
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the male version of a skank; a man willing to fuck anything with at least one leg and/or a vegina
That guy that slept with your sister must be a total mank.
by Timothy Whapenliever February 2, 2010
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a bad situation that involves body fluids. can also be used for a girl that is on her period
alright sarah, are you still on the mank
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a scumbag manchester united fan, most probably based around londen, sussex and the south east of england. not a true supported tries to folow a crowd and most probably doesnt like football.
that person is not a real football fan he just supports a team because theyre winning, fucking mank!
by almay May 2, 2005
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That mank just stole my last beer!
by bk March 12, 2003
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oooo look, im wanking and its midnight, this must mean im having a good MANK
by Ewan Marshall-Harries July 14, 2006
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