You encounter something that contains so much hilarity that you realize will make you laugh for a really long time. However, you do not want to laugh for such a timespan so you compress the laughter into the phrase 'lulz to lulz'. It is is as though you went through a 10 minute laugh in a second.
Person 1: Hello there. I was on an online physic website where people predicted my future.
Person 2: A physic website as in a science website?
Person 1: Wtf are you talking about.
Person 2: Lulz to Lulz
by Brianji03 August 25, 2011
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Like lol, except lulzier. Something is generally done to generate said lulz.
Man 1: Why'd you drive your car off a cliff?
Man 2: I did it for the lulz.
by stevecro October 7, 2010
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1. A variation of "lol", used by people trying to be cool.

2. A super lame word used by asian girls such as Erica Kim and/or Cindy Nugyen
by justincredible9292 April 13, 2011
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A version of 'lol'. The term was originally coined by the gays, but little squeaky-voiced boys on the internet started using the term as well.
I stole my moms makeup and put it on for epic lulz...
by Tim Christenson January 29, 2009
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