To get three strikes in a row during a bowling match. A takeoff of the well-known term "turkey" to describe getting three strikes in a row.
Sam said: "Three strikes baby! Who's riding the gravy train now?"
by Sticky Nicky April 19, 2004
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the substance a homosexual man leaks from his anus (usually running down his legs) the day after anal sex.usually marbeled brown and white in colour and of a sloppy consistancy.

the homosexual mans equivilant to a womans monthly period.
god my gravy train has started... what an inconvienience
by sully1990 May 30, 2007
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it don't really matter; its whatever
Person 1: I forgot you worked today
Person 2: Its all gravy train
by S.E.H. June 25, 2005
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1). Originally used by whites in the great depression to describe CCC (Civilian Conservation Corp) jobs i.e. government work relief programs.

2). However, this phrase was 'taken back' by the African American community in the 1980's. Usages were applied to fellow African American employed in lucrative, glamor fields such as professional sports, entertainment, or drug dealing.

3). Unfortunately, this phrase was co-opted by 'the man' in the early years of the new millennium. Specifically by Wall Street traders upon hearing of the first round of financial bailouts. Note - this usage predates the Obama presidency and as such can't be construed as a racist attack on the Obama presidency. Rather, Wall Steet wiggers are 'keeping it real'.
1). Bill's been riding the Nigger Gravy Train out in Yosemite - he's getting three hots and a cot everyday!

2). That bitch Rick James has been riding the Nigger Gravy Train since Super Freak charted.

3). "No matter how much we fuck-up, the government will bail us out. We're big too fail, Biff! We're riding that Nigger Gravy Train!!
by doc yamamoto November 3, 2009
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Riding the gravy train is the name of the game. (not to be confused with The Game)
In this context, the game being the life lived by the people in the "industry" with their soulless addiction to pointless materialistic advantages such as money and fame.
So basically if you're "riding the gravy train" you have sold your true self out to the music industry/any other type of corrupt medium for said perks.
Roger Waters in a critical song "Have a cigar" by Pink Floyd :

Come in here dear boy have a cigar you're gonna go far,
You're gonna fly high, you're never gonna die,
You're gonna make it if you try, they're gonna love you.

Well I've always had a deep respect and I mean that most sincerely,
The band is just fantastic that is really what I think,
Oh by the way, which one's Pink?

And did we tell you the name of the game, boy?
We call it "Riding the gravy train".
by lisartsy November 2, 2014
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When your life is a constant mess, but you have everything given to you anyway.....
Man, her life sure is a mess. But her man still buys her shit. I guess you could call it a " gravy train wreck".
by Footguy75 August 8, 2020
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When people have paychecks coming from the federal government and are biased towards passing laws that benefit themselves and their families they are riding the gubment gravy train.
When massive numbers of people living in DC have their best interest in passing laws for themselves while forgetting about the rest of the nation. They would be riding the gubment gravy train.
by doublestandarddems April 28, 2013
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