1: one who commits douchebaggery.
2: one who can't own up to their own faults and kicks bricks when there are problems
3: a fake
Variant of douche bag and douche. Douchie McBaggerson is sometimes used in an affectionate manner to describe a person who commits acts of douche baggery but is nevertheless forgiven and loved for who he or she is.
She's doing fine since she kicked Douchie McBaggerson out.
by angelfuck December 31, 2011
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This is an annoyingly infuriating (and yet so insignificant it is almost unworthy of mention) satellite of it's larger master. This lesser or minor douchie serves to bolster it's host's confidence and morale by reinforcement-by-mimic the host's words and actions. This diminutive annoyance is only seen accompanying a Douchie, Douche, Douchepirate or Douchie McDouche. It is worthy to note that this is not a singleton or honorific designation; there may be multiple doucheparrots accompanying a larger douchebag.
That douchie at GI JOES had entrained several douchie mcdoucheparrots to keep harassing me and my GF over this expensive bag.
by chris mcneglidouche December 24, 2007
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Deragatory (but very descriptive) nickname for the 45th president of the United States of America (Donald Trump).
Grab them by the What!? ! What else can you expect from Douchy Donald .
by Shanamon February 24, 2018
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Her name is Jolene Douchie VonFlush, she is from Belgium.
by khalamity July 4, 2014
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An insanely kind person that can be a major douche bag at times.
Tim is a real Douchie Wooshie!
by tirgge May 9, 2017
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a douchebag with uber douche like qualities
a douche bag in a rice burner cutting you off without signaling then break checking you and then going below the speed limit, a typical douchy douche
by lVl46607 November 17, 2010
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An insult toward boys named Billy. Meaning stupid, ignorant, unfaithful, liar, untrustworthy.
Billy is a Douchy Poof
by (R)Caitland June 25, 2010
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