To hit or graze an object while in motion, usually at high speed.
That fighter jet flew so low it clipped the tree line with one of its wings.

We were taking heavy fire from down the street and a bullet clipped me in the shoulder.

Jimmy clipped the curb while he was parking his car.
by Tronno November 12, 2004
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What dumbasses and gangbangers call a magazine.
"Shit dawg, how many bullets you fit in that clip?"
"You're a dumbass."
by Rifleman July 24, 2006
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I saw a really nice bathrobe at the hotel, so I clipped it.
by Marshal July 7, 2006
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"If that fucker doesn't shut the hell up about Kat, I'll fucking clip 'im, I swear."
by frank carter May 14, 2005
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Term for someone who has had a vasectomy.
Dude, I can ride her bareback now, 'cause I got clipped.
by Motorhead January 16, 2008
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When a person goes to take a shit in the toilet and the shit clips the porcelain due to the uncontrollable force of gravity.
Yooo dude, I was clipping hard in there. Somebody call the plumber.
by 10Feet January 9, 2019
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to steal, to boost, to have something taken from you and not realize it until some time has passed
When I fell asleep, she clipped $100 out of my wallet.

I turned my back and realized my ipod had been clipped from my backpack.

Shirley clipped $50 out of my grandma's purse when she went to answer the door. When she discovered it was missing grandma frisked her and found she had stuffed it into her bra.
by edv9500 July 13, 2005
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