Awsome guitar player. plays in the band good charlotte. gorgous. nice body. co- wrote two songs on their new album cronicles of life and death. has his own PRS guitar (SE billy martin model) lots of tattos. loves nightmare before christmas. creator of level 27.
by Samantha Michelle June 27, 2005
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Full name: William Dean Martin (sp?)
Band: Good Charlotte
plays: guitar and keyboard
and i quote
"Oh yeah and i dont have any f@&*%ng hampsters....=) " - Billy Martin
so billy has no hampsters and no plan for any major breeding program.
The guys songs are great they helped me and a lot of people through badness of bad times in their lives.

"Oh yeah and i dont have any f@&*%ng hampsters....=) " - Billy Martin

by thehopeless March 6, 2006
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the sweetie from tha best band in history GOOD CHARLOTTE.22yrs old
5"11' owns 127 hamsters and rock @ playin the guitar!
by bill-eee maar-tin August 30, 2003
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The sexiest hottest lovable guy EVER!! Look at his ass if you don't believe me. He has a pretty dick too. Ok, but seriously, he is hot, has a sexy face, hair, plays guitar, can draw, what more do you want. And if you hate Billy, DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!
Billy and his hamesters are best friends
by Mrs. Marie Martin January 15, 2005
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The hottest Guy in the whole world he is cute sexxy and the most loveable guy in the whole world awesome guitar player GC rules he makes really super clothes LUV YA Billy rock on
Billy Martin Loves me.
Billy Martin Is cute and sexy!!!!!!!!
by Jocelyn August 20, 2003
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... where can i begin..
Awesome Guitarist,
Sooo hott,
Guitarist for the BEST band Good Charlotte,
Billy Martin is the hottest guy alive.
by Amanda January 18, 2004
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