An Awesome Color! It is the combination of blue and red (or blue and pink, depending on the shade of purple u want) Every body who doesnt like purple is a retard cause its AMAZING!!!!!!!
On a scale from ONE to AWESOME that was a PURPLE
by Jezi23 August 11, 2009
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Sandy: Where is Johnny?
Bill: Oh Johnny and April are back in the bedroom purpling
by Allie1213 November 9, 2007
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slang for Promithezine Cough Syrup (codeine).
Made popular in dirty south rap, primarily Houston. Induces trance-like state.
Synonyms: Syrup, Oil, Sizzurp, Lean, Drank
I got a purple sprite and ya'll aint.
Paul Wall

Go get a pint of purple.
by GStar27 December 6, 2005
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A color usually made by mixing red and blue. If you looked up the color “Purple” on urban dictionary, you’re probably pretty damn bored. Teenage girls usually squabble over purple and pink but honestly both are good colors. This is also a fashionable color and is often found in makeup palettes. If you look down right now, you’re probably wearing something purple. Purple doesn’t really have a gender specification. It can be feminine or masculine and works well with (Almost) Any color.
3 year old: *Scribbles with red crayon over blue crayon*
*Scribble turns purple*
3 year old: whot this??
Parent: Purple
(Achievement get! Discover “Violet”)
by The_Arteest December 30, 2022
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Basically it's a church joke.
Girls= pink and Boys= blue
You put the two together and the joke is that you get purple by putting them together.
by Christianboy_03 October 13, 2019
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