An individual whom is in and/or going through the stages of puberty. Usually annoying to be around and in some cases often can be described as cantankerous, confused, capricious and/or awkward, depending on the individual.
"I did not go into the swimming pool because I noticed that there were pubes floating around in it."
by buggtard August 3, 2009
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1. Plural of pubis, the part of the abdomen between the belly button and the genitalia. Pronounced /PYOO-beez/, in two syllables.

2. What idiots who don't know any better call pubic hair. Mispronounced /PYOOBS/, to rhyme with "cubes."
1. Young girls show off their pubes precisely because they know it's the one area in which women over thirty-five can't compete.

2. Guy 1: "Dude! Your pubes are clogging up the shower drain."
Guy 2: "You're a fucktard who mispronounces 'pubes' and doesn't know its proper meaning. Therefore, I'm going to leave my pubic hairs in the drain."
by PaddyPat November 1, 2011
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Public servants
Where do you work? I'm a pube in the pubic service
by Apioh May 25, 2010
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Current members (as of 2008) of the republican party.
The republican party, having shed any semblence of moderation and having become merely obstructionists and "the party of no".
Republicans who vow to block the health care reform from ever leaving the Senate are pubes.
by Greg Brockway November 22, 2009
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Me: i hate pubes-
Friend: everyone does
Me: no i meant pewdiepie-
Me: *unfriended*
by Flare_the_Flareon April 11, 2016
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for men: the catchment area around the base of the penis usefull to stop spunk dripping on your balls after a good hard wank.
for women: the only pratical use is to punish their boyfriends but not shaving then demanding a make up munch.
man lays on his back expressing himself the way he knows best as he is so distracted he forgets to reach for a tissue eee by gum what a mess but he has to stand to reach his wiper low and behold the sex wee gets trapped in his spiders web and saves the carpet. PUBES!!
by moggysbollocks September 15, 2009
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a boy with a small penis who has not yet hit puberty
yes you are a no pube
by jimslinmman July 23, 2008
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