A stupid, ugly, smelly, run-down, depressing city in western PA. The only people who think pittsburgh is cool are people who have never traveled out of the greater alleganey county area, or are from a place much more boring (like delaware)
I meet some dip wads who think pittsburgh is the greatest place on earth. I asked where they were from and they said delaware.
by ifky302 December 13, 2007
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a horrible city in south western pa.the people think they are all cool, but they are dumb...... they use random words that don't make any sense and think they are the most getto place in the world. they are also pussies they also think ignorant means rude, ignorant means dumb / unknowing
pittsburgh slang: yins (you all) gumband (rubber band) ride (drive: will you ride me up the hill?) red (clean) sweeper (vacume cleaner)
by nightshad3 December 28, 2011
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A crappy old city located between some dirty rivers (which often have cars or bodies in them). Pissburgh basically is full of rednecks (ever hear the saying "Pennsylvania: Philadelphia on one side, Alabama on the other"). Pissburgh is full of racists too. Everyone in the city claims to have such huge pride in their city but they don't. That is why Iron City went out of business (because everyone is cheap and just drinks Miller Lite, which is a hypocricy in itself because everyone is racist and Miller Lite donates to the Negro College Fund). That is also why the Penguins might leave town (Pissburghers don't like hockey too much becaues it is too complicated of a sport to get drunk and watch, and also cause the Penguins never play defense). Pissburgh claims to be a big drinking town but in reality no one here can handle their liquor, which is why Pissburgh is one of the leading DUI cities in the country. Pissburgh has no good job opportunities. Pissburgh claims to have their own language (yinz, n'at) but in reality NOBODY TALKS LIKE THAT except when they do it on purpose. Pissburghers want to have their own identity SO MUCH but whether they like it or not Pissburgh is a below average run of the mill city. For example, people think when you get a sandwich with french fries on it that is called ordering it "Pittsburgh style" but in reality NOBODY who doesn't live in Pittsburgh has ever heard of that. Pissburgh was rated one of the worst cities for singles, and it certainly is. All the girls are ugly and all the guys are uneducated rednecks. Pissburgh's number one radio station is KISS FM, which is basically a bunch of retards singing over the music while it plays. During winter Pissburgh's roads are the worst, because there are about 2 salt trucks that drive around when they feel like it. Pissburgh is full of hypocrits. They blast Barry Bonds for using steroids every chance they get, but when the true subject that the Steelers used steroids in the 70s comes up, they turn their heads. Basically, Pissburgh is a second rate city full of idiots who wish they had their own culture and language but they simply do not.
I live in Pittsburgh....boy does my life suck n'at
by Bill Coward March 28, 2006
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A dried up demographic nightmare. Anyone with talent, drive or intelligence leaves by the age of 30. Those that stay think that others will return, and this is true. Once people have made their fortunes in cities with job markets they return to Yinzerville, to take advantage of the dying populations cheap housing.
Example, if you look at the services and industries actually turning a profit in Pittsburgh, and not closing down its health care, and elderly assistance.
by Person with drive August 15, 2006
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A boring, provincial city in western Pennsylvania that is nonetheless a very nice place to live.
by Jayque October 16, 2003
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Shithole. Kind of cool at first, but notoriously difficult to escape. Nothing going on. Suburbs are even worse. Never come to Pittsburgh without a good exit strategy.
Calvin: Where do you think people go when they die?
Hobbes: Pittsburgh.
by stuck June 20, 2006
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A crappy old city located between some dirty rivers (which often have cars or bodies in them). Pissburgh basically is full of rednecks (ever hear the saying "Pennsylvania: Philadelphia on one side, Alabama on the other"). Pissburgh is full of racists too. Everyone in the city claims to have such huge pride in their city but they don't. That is why Iron City went out of business (because everyone is cheap and just drinks Miller Lite, which is a hypocricy in itself because everyone is racist and Miller Lite donates to the Negro College Fund). That is also why the Penguins might leave town (Pissburghers don't like hockey too much becaues it is too complicated of a sport to get drunk and watch, and also cause the Penguins never play defense). Pissburgh claims to be a big drinking town but in reality no one here can handle their liquor, which is why Pissburgh is one of the leading DUI cities in the country. Pissburgh has no good job opportunities. Pissburgh claims to have their own language (yinz, n'at) but in reality NOBODY TALKS LIKE THAT except when they do it on purpose. Pissburghers want to have their own identity SO MUCH but whether they like it or not Pissburgh is a below average run of the mill city. For example, people think when you get a sandwich with french fries on it that is called ordering it "Pittsburgh style" but in reality NOBODY who doesn't live in Pittsburgh has ever heard of that. Pissburgh was rated one of the worst cities for singles, and it certainly is. All the girls are ugly and all the guys are uneducated rednecks. Pissburgh's number one radio station is KISS FM, which is basically a bunch of retards singing over the music while it plays. During winter Pissburgh's roads are the worst, because there are about 2 salt trucks that drive around when they feel like it. Pissburgh is full of hypocrits. They blast Barry Bonds for using steroids every chance they get, but when the true subject that the Steelers used steroids in the 70s comes up, they turn their heads. Basically, Pissburgh is a second rate city full of idiots who wish they had their own culture and language but they simply do not.
I live in Pittsburgh...boy does my life suck n'at
by Bill Coward May 3, 2006
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