A tall, long-necked, adonis-like person with a penchant for camping. His favorite color is "brown". Just as Prometheus brought fire to mankind, so he brought his people, a new Braking technology for cars. Nobody except him can drive so quickly in the curve and drive in fifth gear in the parking lot. He fights against the rule of the fast rosting in cars. He comes from the noble family Varys.
A: Who owns this brown car?

B: Moritz von Varys from the Knappenweg.

A: Who do I ask if I have questions about sale techniques?

B: Who else besides Moritz ?!

A: What could the global economic crisis have prevented in 2011?
B: Moritz von Varys, with the high sales of Suzukis!
by ShinyPepper November 22, 2021
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Moritz is the definition of a alive dictionary for Boomers.
Moritz: QQ is not what you boomers think. QQ is not a set of crying eyes or a QuickQuestion. It actually originated with the advent of Warcraft II. On battlenet, you could press ALT+Q+Q to immediately exit the match and program. Thus the term "QQ" was to tell people to just quit because they are unskilled. The term later developed and lost it's origin and is usually mistaken as crying eyes.
by A 1967 Friend October 13, 2021
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Why are you being such a Moritz? Don't be such a Moritz!
by hhahaahhaha March 12, 2020
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A very smelly German man with some greasy ass hair. He loves rock so don’t talk shit about rock.
Nicholas: I hate sitting beside that shmen Moritz Scheibner in class because he smells like ass.
Darshan: You have obviously never sat beside that arab Ryan, he smells like Moritz X2.
by LeWaterSheep July 25, 2019
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