Julian is not a gay. What ever you may think he is not. He is just very camp. Julian’s often tend to like things beginning with ‘t’ for example things like telephones, trains, tadpoles ect. He is a lady’s man, got all his bitches.
Are you gay? No I’m just julian x
by Unknowned696969 September 27, 2019
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one of the most amazing and trustworthy people you could ever meet. they generally have really nice hair and eyes you could stare into for no reason. they are very easy to fall for but can break your heart in an instant so be careful. Julians usually will like rock or punk music and can play guitar or bass. they have a great sense of style and are overall amazing people. just don't mess with them and get on their bad side, 'cause they are some badasses.
Did you see Julian with Alex? I heard he beat up Chris because he called her a slut....
by nickbow1124 December 24, 2014
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a very immature guy, but can get any lady Julian is funny but sometimes go way over board.
my brother is acting like a Julian
by Isuzu balls December 6, 2016
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He's the sweetest guy in the whole world. He is an amazing friend and is really funny. Julians are usually very athletic. Julians attract sporty girls. Intelligence is one of their many talents. If you find a Julian make sure to befriend him as soon as possible! And ladies trust me, he's a very trustworthy, romantic kind of guy. He's a keeper!
Oh julian? He's a sweet heart!

Your dating julian! You lucky girl!

You're friends with Julian? He's chill!
by Baseballthough November 9, 2013
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A really nice guy who's not sure what he wants out of life. He's very cute and sweet with his skater style (: He gets caught up in alot and flirts with alot of girls. People tend to talk about him, and judge him from his past. But deep down he's not what they say, no one knows him as good as i do.
Julian is the sweetest guy i know.
by NatalieMarie3 July 1, 2009
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A sensitive person yet, athletic and a kind hearted person.
Did You See Julian At Practice? Football or karate? Wahhabi I don't know but he cheered me up after my break up.
by Jacob!!Trekkers April 12, 2011
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An antagonistic backbiter. One who backbites or defames others. The act of deceiving. The act of slandering others.

N. Kansas City slang.
That guy thinks I'm his friend but I totally julianed him when he went home.

Ugly brother has to julian everyone or he'll never get laid.

I julianed everyone about her being an idiot so I could sleep with her after the party

Your ass just got julianed!
by cluricauney January 2, 2010
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