1. a sentence enhancer meant to declare that the previous statement was full of win, epic, and made by someone ripe with tiger blood

2. the act of a person or thing (never trolls) that wins
I was hitting seven gram rocks. Winning!

I'm not bi-polar, I'm bi-WINNING; I win here and I win there.
by HeffandAlex March 11, 2011
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all you do is
win ; all you do is
by shannnonnxoxo November 15, 2010
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1.) When "Tiger Blood" courses though one's veins.
2.) Achieving absolute victory.
3.) Pounding seven gram rocks every night.
4.) When one is a "high priest Vatican assassin warlock"
5.) When one is using an unavailable drug called "Charlie Sheen." If one trys said drug once, the user will die. Their face will melt off and their children will weep over their exploded body.
6.) When one's brain is not from this terrestrial realm, and cannot be handled by anyone but Charlie Sheen for five minutes before the receiving party says, "Dude, can't handle it, unplug this bastard."
I win here, I win there... I'm Bi-Winning!
by Skim Shady March 12, 2011
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Something you're doing if you're Charlie Sheen.
1.“The only thing I’m addicted to right now is winning
2."Winning. Buh-bye."
by Argonian_Pride March 2, 2011
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Cute pics of this girl but sadly no win. :(
by CharleyBerkins August 1, 2007
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The opposite of fail; when something of awesomeness happens.
Did you see Bobby playing Halo last night? That was win.
by VmKid June 11, 2009
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Another term for wanking made by bajancanadian
All I do is win win win no matter what cos my name is mat
When I walk up in the building everybody's dacks go up
Winning is when you wank
by Winner987654321 March 24, 2012
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