A small badass man (not a hero), who is okay because that's the other guy (Gerard Way), he owns more dogs then the law allows but nobody cares because it's Frank Iero. He is also from the state of New Jersey
Person: hello I'm a-
by Padro_The_Soggy_Emo_Jellybean September 2, 2019
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Frank Iero is a person who uses the word “rad” in almost every sentence. Frank iero’s are some times very annoying but we all still love them. They use the word “rad”.
Person 1: Oh that’s so rad dude!
Person 2: Oh my god you are such an Frank Iero! You say rad so much, shut the fuck up
by Frerard is real December 26, 2019
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extremely hot guy...he's in my chemical romance. a pretty good band, even though they're sellouts. But frank, the hotXcore guitarist, is still as wicked as can be. I lub frank! and he looks like my best friend. and his eyes are shmexshey....
frank is sexy when he kisses guys
by the infamous lushie February 19, 2005
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amazing rhythm guitarist of the band my chemical romance
a short little smol bean
peasant: omg frank iero is not really that cute
me: you are no longer welcome here
by mcr xD November 24, 2020
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p1: dude, Frank Iero is totally a dilf
everyone: yeah.
by Тнат guч January 26, 2021
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Guitarist for My Chemical Romance. Also shortest member of the band. (He was too short to hold the coffin in the Helena video. And yes, that *is* all I notice about him.)
by TREWACKO March 22, 2007
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