The deep-yellow, almost amber, perhaps even florescent, color of your wee after a night of drinking Red Bull Vodkas (or some other energy drink and Vodka) caused (usually) by the B-vitamins.
Dude, I had way-too many Vodka Red Bulls last night.....I'm pissing flintstones.
Hey, why is the toilet glowing with pee? Sorry, must have been from me pissing flintstones.
by G-Daddy SchmoovG-Daddy Schmooe October 11, 2017
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To go Flintstones is when you ride somewhere in a car with two couples and the guys sit in the front and the girls in back, ala Fred, Barney, Wilma, and Betty. Some women find this arrangement to be degrading.
Hey baby, when we drive to Vegas next week, can we go Flintstones so I can talk to Chad?
by ntvnykr October 11, 2006
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When one sends another man to a girl's house for some birthday sex and a viewing of Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas, and when the guy gets there, the girl is sleeping and doesn't know why he's there.
Pat: Hey Alec, did you get together with Sydney last night for some birthday sex?
Alec: Nah man, I got the Flintstones Treatment...
by Themanof June 27, 2017
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A person you are friends with in real life, but are not friends with on Facebook.
I don't want them to see my profile, that's why they're a Flintstone Friend.
by rheniumoxide February 10, 2015
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One who leaves the office precisely at quitting time usually while his colleagues are still at their desks. In reference to the beginning of the cartoon where the work whistle blows and Fred yells YABAA DABBA DOO! and runs out of work.
Joe pulled a Fred Flintstone last night and was on the elevator at 5 pm on the dot.
by J Matts November 9, 2006
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Steve's mom came home and found him passed out on the bathroom floor, he had od on Flintstone chewable vitamins.
by jro March 7, 2005
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