if you hold 5 fingers up it means you love big oiled up black men
being defined as gay
the definition of 5 fingers up is Look Demarcus is holding up 5 fingers! he loves oiled up black men!!
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Out 5 fingers up in a photo if u love Reese and she is your Bsf for life ❤️
Look _____ has 5 fingers up that must be Reese’s Bsf that loves her
by Sniper 69 May 3, 2022
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A high 5, from a man to a woman, which results in the woman becoming pregnant.
I was so excited after that 49ers playoff win that I wacked the pud for a few minutes until achieving sweet jizz release. Due to my euphoric state i neglected to wash my hands. After entering the bar I ran into that sexy bartender who is also a 9ers fan and gave her a tremendous 5 finger prego punch, resulting in transportation of DNA from my hand to hers. She was so turned on by our hand slap that she earnestly and eagerly went somewhere private to masturbate. 9 months later I became a dad.
by habitual sassbox January 16, 2012
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If you throw up 5 fingers it’s a sign that your gay , legend says that if you throw up 5 fingers some how people die from your family or group .
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The World Most Bad ass Song That Was Ever Created And That Has The Power To Completely Destroy Your Ear Drums No Matter What Level Volume Your On.
by P0TAT0 K!NG November 1, 2017
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