Sally is a cunt-faced muthafucker.
Lets fuck up that cunt-faced muthafucker.
HAHA! Look at Sally and her cunt-faced muthafucker boyfriend!
by You_Mom April 4, 2005
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One who is a pussy and will not act in a manly way.
Person #1- I couldnt believe John wouldnt FUCK that girl.

Person #2- Yeah I know what a Cunt Faced Larry.
by NKBrutus May 31, 2007
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when you get really pissed off at someone and put swear words together to make an insult that doesn't make much sense
dickhead: oi! i slept with your mum last night

you: fucking motherfucking shit dick cunt fuck face!

dickhead: what?

you: never mind
by pioneer2108 December 29, 2011
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Usually used in games,when a friend shot you down and he's on the same team,you can call it a cunt-faced fucktard...means dumbass but more violent.
Nooooooooo,that dickhead threw a grenade at me and I'm dead now,what a cunt-faced fucktard!
by K3vin October 16, 2004
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Absolute arsehole and idiot beyond the normal rounds of idiocy. A compleat utter mess up,
You are a total cunt face fucker how dare you who do u think you are
by Missy m s August 25, 2015
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Basically the same as "Stunt Cunt", but differs in the person acts as your friend and then bad mouths you to everyone and pulls any stunt to make you look bad and her "the victim"
I had all of the eggs ready for tomorrow, and Beth used them today, just to make me look bad!
She's such a "CUNT FACE CUNT"
by Money bags 97 July 5, 2017
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Constantly talking shit, nagging, and whining at men ( boyfriend, husband, any one basically) So bitchy they seem like their on the rag constantly that not only do they bleed out of their cunts they have so much left over they bleed out of their mouths! NOT TO MENTION THEY ARE FUCKING CUNTS!
Bleeding cunt face, A girl with no tits, no ass, basically a 2 by 4! Also not a respected women!
by Kell-Bell July 29, 2011
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