a BITCH. didn't "discover" shit. there's a fucking HOLIDAY for this colonizing mf. he stole land from a minority group and spread diseases, some of which came from animals... think that one through for a second. schools will teach you about this mf and praise his crackerjack ass when in reality he did nothing great.
Jae: Who the hell is Christopher Columbus?
Brian: A crackerjack, colonizing, mayo monkey p.o.s who enslaved natives and sold their kids into a sex ring.
by silenceytvoices May 26, 2021
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When you take a shit and leave it for the next person to discover it
I had to poop so bad in the Waffle House. When I walked in there was a Christopher Columbus starring at me!
by Dark star August 20, 2023
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When you go to the bathroom in another department at work to leave the vilest shit possible.
I had to go over to General Assembly to get some parts and Christopher Columbus'd while I was there.
by Kemo_the_Clown June 3, 2022
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