term used by black and/or wanna be-blacks because the word "Bitch" is just to white.
"Get tha fuck outta my way biAtch"
by suck me April 1, 2004
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Incorect spelling of bitch. Often said by sad chavs in reference to thier burberry covered girlfriends
Am going to see ma biatch
by Andreas_90 August 3, 2005
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A whiney crying ass lil sissy bitch
ahhhhh whaaaaa why do i have to be the Biatch
by T August 31, 2003
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usually a white jew-fro'ed male who is totally lame and gives ass out hugs
Mackenzie: HEY BIATCH

Jonathan: SUP BIATCH

*ass out hug*
by #1biatch May 18, 2011
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A retarded way of saying Bitch
Dunno why but some people thinks its cool saying Biatch rather than the proper word Bitch
Biatch = Nono
Bitch = Better than that retarded word
by SexyMiss February 3, 2005
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"You got all these rappers out here, on da mic, on they records, sayin biatch just like Short Dogg." Too Short's way of saying bitch.
Ain't nuttin but a motherfuckin biatch!
by Big Crazy August 7, 2005
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another word used instead of Bitch.
Often used between friends in an american twang (ie "the british) pretending to be down ass bitchs!
A light hearted insult betwEen friends.
Sup biatch, what u at?!
by lou lou February 26, 2005
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