A Superhigh next generation console, successor to the Xbox 359. You will also need to be earning a 12 figure salary to even afford one, not only that though the power pack will be roughly the size of a small nuclear power plant as in all previous 359 consoles it has got bigger everytime.
Yapstarr: You seen those new Xbox 360's?
Shorty P: As if, i only just got an Xbox 359 a few months ago.
by Yapstarr November 29, 2006
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A respected console with great games and a low price that makes it attract more people than just rabid fanboys. It clearly understands that the main purpose of game consoles is to actually play games, instead of sucking cash out of people's wallets with fancy-ass, Ferrari-priced video players and snail-paced web browsers. Of course, if you want the 360 to be an all-purpose media center, you can buy some optional accessories to give it that ability. Basically, with the 360, you get a great gaming/media experience, and you don't need a 7-digit salary to do so.
Nearly all of the good games on the ps3 can be found on the xbox 360.
by The D-Man November 25, 2006
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Nothing more than a Xbox will improved visuals. See Xbox 1.5.

Xbox 360 maintains the same gameplay experience as Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube.
by buttseckz January 4, 2006
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I don't get it, they make an overpriced paperweight and now they come with a new paper weight that looks different but costs more. Microsoft's paperweights are too damn pricey. Find a damn brick somewhere and use that to keep your papers from flying away.
A brick doesn't look as fancy or cool but it gets the job done and you can save a ton of money. It's light enough to move out of your stack of papers and heavy enough to keep the paper from flowing away.

Throw away your xbox or xbox 360 and get a brick.
by onewhoknows May 6, 2006
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The icon of most American Teenagers, a 7th generation console with decent games and decent graphics. A overrated success for Microsoft, the slowly dying Computer company held at mercy by Apple, Nintendo, and Sony.
-Wow I love my Nintendo Wii games, but the graphics suck.
-And I love my PS3 graphics, but the games are limited and boring.
-Hey! How about we play Xbox 360 that I got at WalMart!!!
-Yay!!! Now we have games and graphics that we can't complain about or compliment!!!
by NinjaMario August 6, 2008
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a 'games console' used by wannabe 5 year old gamers. Usually when people have a xbox 360 and you ask them wats better about xbox 360s than ps3s they say the games and graphics are better. Well thats total bullshit because they probably havent come in a distance of 100 metres of a PS3.
Sean: Yay I got an Xbox 360!
Matt: Die in a hole.
by Bamaloo June 26, 2009
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The worst console of this generation. Expect bricking, no games, and loads of false promises. Stay away from. Buy a Wii or Playstation 3 instead.
Tom: "Did you buy a Xbox 360?"

Bill: "No, I don't buy piles of shit compressed into a box"
by anonymous3312 May 14, 2007
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