November 11 is international crush day. On this exact date you are going to go up to your crush and tell them how much you like/love them. Give it your all even if they don’t like you back so what are you waiting for go get em!
Guy1: Man I wish I could just go up to ______ and tell them how much I like them.
Guy2: you can it’s November 11, that means it’s international crush day! Go confess your feeling for them.
by xd_hugoo October 29, 2019
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The Canadian holiday of "Rememberance Day".
Guy 1:"There was a Rememberance Day assembly today! It was kinda boring though!"

I AM Canadian:"Don't be disrespectful to our soldiers who fought for our freedom, or I'll cut ya!"
by I AM Canadian! July 25, 2004
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Listen up guys! today you have to appreciate your shortest girl best friend!!! give her hugs the whole day and tell her how much you love her and how much you appreciate all shit she does for you!
guy 1: tmrw is november 11 that lena su have to gives becky hugs and appreciate her the whole day
guy 2: yeah she’s done so much for you
by username. October 31, 2019
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Official Clown on your ex day
The only time in the year to make your ex look stupid as hell
You: Yo Its November 11, Lets go clown on heleana!
Friend: Oh shit homie i forgot, lets do that shit!
by Nutiex Just Better November 9, 2021
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November 11, it's International Bun Day!
Everyone should wear buns today, small buns, big buns, messy buns, anything!
Hey everyone, remember to wear buns tomorrow, it's November 11!
by Caylicia November 11, 2019
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give your crush your jacket day/ask them out
boy 1: hey look what day it is

girl 1 : oh it’s november 11th it’s national ask a girl out day
boy 1: you should go ask out suzy
by broken_devil November 11, 2021
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Hey, why did u throw him?

Beacuse its Throw a tall person day

by BarryLikesBilly November 11, 2020
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