This is the ultimate pinnacle of boredom when you type all the keys backward. Usually, people do this during class lectures out of pure curiosity and boredom.
I got so bored in Spanish class, I typed "/.,mnbvcxz';lkjhgfdsa\poiuytrewq=-0987654321`" just to see what happened.
by TragicConert785 March 3, 2021
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damn bro you way too bored
typed in a snake way like ~~~ then going your way to \ and up to the number bar
just realized this face is in there. ;p
also who on giphy wrote that
P1: I've tried everything.
P2: Oh really?
P1: Yep, but some one already made it.
P2: Search qazxswedcvfrtgbnhyujm,kiol./;p'\=-0987654321`
P1: Hmm, nothing there, mine now.
P2: radio bozo
by bored_nerrd January 10, 2022
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when your boredom stage is so high we cant call it boredom anymoree usually hapens when you discover you dont have a life
i was so bored of my life that i decided to ?.,mnbvcxz';lkjhgfdsa\poiuytrewq=-0987654321!@#$%ˆ&*()_+
by wow543210 February 19, 2018
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Congratulations! Your sheer boredom has convinced our lord and saviour Cthulhu to awaken from his slumber in the sunken city of R’lyeh! In times like these, I suggest you remember the Alamo. And don't forget, thy shall not covet thy neighbours ox.
Bob: How can I denouce Venice?
Jeff: It's super easy, barely an inconvenience, just type gfhdjskal\;'zpxocivubyntmr,e.w/q=-0987654321`.
Bob: Cool, here come the boat mormons
by mr electric is god February 18, 2022
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