Putting up a 4 means every girl loves you and you get every girl you want
Alex was putting up a 4
by The noobs 34 April 16, 2022
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Usually found in Floptok and Barbie community, Last word 4 (name) is the meaning of somebody winning a fight, argument and getting too tired of winning.

If you dont block the person after last wording and they manage to say something it's embarassing, but usually meaningless.
Also people usually use glittertextonline to make gifs, or capcut edits saying LASTWORD4 (name) or even hiring Fiverr people to say the message.


-YES THEY ARE Last Word 4- Chrishefner

*person gets blocked*
by Pearr May 19, 2023
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when youre so bored you decided to write every key from left to right (including numpad) and also the shift versions of those keys.
man, im so bored, im gonna type `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+/*-qQwWeErRtTyYuUiIoOpP{}\|789+aAsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL;:'"456zZxXcCvVbBnNmM,<.>/?123 0. into urban dictionary and see whats there!
by monokuma plush toy August 28, 2023
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if you take a picture with “the 4’s” it means that you think kitkat is the funniest, prettiest, greatest female you’ve ever seen.
i always put the 4’s up to let everyone know.
by kitkat smack May 8, 2022
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Today's 4/21 that means it's national drug test day because yesterday was 4/20
by Jay_jr99 April 20, 2016
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The day to smoke paper... April 21st. Or every day at 4:21
Aye say Jay J , It’s 4/21, u got the printer paper or the brown paper bag to smoke?
by jayjgreen April 21, 2021
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