A totally awesome girl.
-chills with alot of guys
-easy to be around
-not a bitch
-enjoys any outgoing and adventerous activities
-not super girlie but not butch either
That girl halley shes such a bro.
by loverofthepancakes November 15, 2010
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Bro is you're man. Its a relation beyond best friends. He is the guy you go to when you are in deep shit or even when you are in general shit. He is the guy whose car you borrow, crash it, and then

don't even apologise because you know apologies are not necessary. He always comes before hoes and you are just as much bro to him as he is to you.
by Its hard to find a handle December 24, 2019
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ur not gunna be home tonight right "bro"
by hablammm December 15, 2011
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A male or (supa awesome ) female that you Dont bail on . You got each others back. You make fun of them, and still buy them a shot. Secret handshakes may be involved. You may nick name each other with the word BRO in it.

But like fight club.. You're not supposed to talk about it..
Oh wait . shit.
Brolos: "hey! Fuck your other people we ate watching game of thrones tonight"

Bromantha: "you're goddamn right!"
by Jussstsaying June 11, 2015
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'Bro' is a shortened word for brother. Little teenage boys usually comment it in their friends instagram posts. They call each other bros which most of the time it means they're pretty close mates.
Person 1: "yo what you sayin"
Person 2: " ahh notin notin. What bout you bro"
by Your.local.chav.xx April 17, 2020
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1) An awesome person who you have total respect for. It is used with lacrosse players a lot. They must have earned the right to be called a bro.

2) If used in a negative way it could mean a total douche bag. He is the annoying loud guy at a party. It is usually used in a sarcastic way like saying the person is cool.
1) Bob: He just did a back flip!

Joe: What a bro.


Bob: Hey man.

Joe: What up bro.


Charles: Wow, you are such a bro
by BigBoyBallard February 5, 2011
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