(n.) organic chemestry for physics majors.
-I have to take modern physics next semester.
-May God have mercy on your soul!
by Utnapishtim's Ark June 3, 2016
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Another way of saying sexually good
Jane has a way of making others feel physically good.
by seashells1987 November 6, 2017
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being physically homosexual with the homeboys or homegirls
girl slaps girls ass

boy: ayo what was that
girl: it’s just physical homiesexsual
by @sanjanagreat March 15, 2022
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being physically homiesexsual with the homeboys or homegirls
girl slaps girls ass

boy: ayo that’s gay
girl: no it’s just physical homiesexsual
by @sanjanagreat March 15, 2022
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