To swindle your credit card or add extra charges to your purchase. To take your money over the Internet and not send your order.
I got a Hank Lee on my credit card. I got charged twice and the purchase never got shipped.
by Bobcat Tommy April 9, 2012
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The act of pausing a Tom Hanks Movie in order to crank one out, therefore releasing the nervous energy created by watching such a talented Actor.
"It took me 7 1/2 hours to get through Saving Private Ryan, just one Hanks Break after another"
by Harry kidace February 21, 2016
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Mannerisms pertaining to Hank. Says things like "Word to your momma." and "It's too PG in here... it's time to get PG-13.". To not know what "crop dusting" is.
Example 1
Bill: "Hank... did you just crop dust me?"

Hank: "I've never been to a farm before."

Example 2
Hank: "...and I quote, "BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH (goes on forever and ends with).... or something like that."

Bill: "... dude... wtf are you even talking about? Quit displaying your Hank-isms."
by HankerCanker September 28, 2010
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Alex: wtf is that noise?!

Barry: idk it sounds like somebody spankin' hank
by PROakes October 5, 2015
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To make sweet and passionate love with someone
I would love to make Tom Hanks with that woman
by Phil Xim August 4, 2021
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