To have sex with one person from every country currently or ever part of the European union.
I only have one country left on my EU sex tour.
by Penman96 May 15, 2021
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A tour that usually consists of very few gigs performed by a little known band living out of a van.

For example, a band starting out on a tour with little networking and money is embarking on a slum tour.
Dude that was such a slum tour, we only played 3 shows and I had to shower in a burger king bathroom.
by Aspic Elm Hook May 23, 2012
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A couple's or individual goal to fuck everywhere and/or fuck someone in each country in the world.
So far, Kelly and I have done a world fuck tour in Canada, the US, Mexico, Japan, and Philipines. It seems like we're moving westward.

As part of his world fuck tour, Marcus has fucked 30 women in the same number of countries.
by PenguinSlideMaster December 25, 2019
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Having 6 28-hour days a week, essentially skipping an entire day.
Jerry: I woke up at 6 pm, man!
Tom: Wow, you starting a Tour de Clock today?
by Korinthos February 19, 2014
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When you fold a girl in half and fuck her in the ass and she watches you conquer the dark cave. All while both of you are wearing a horned Viking helmet, in Norway under the Northern Lights.
by GuyInAHat December 15, 2017
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When you grab a case of beer (any size will do) and hit the back roads without a care in the world. Frowned upon in modern society because fun things are bad.
I wish I was born in the 60s so I could go on drain tour every weekend and nobody would care.
by spicycolonkid420 April 21, 2020
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