a very very yum person that is just SO amazeballs yk?!&/@/&: like they're the best person to ever exist and deserve all the minions in the world!! also just the person with the best feet to ever walk this universe. they're someone who deserves cum in their name because they're just freaking amaze balls and great and yeah
yeah cummy cakes is such a hot beautiful and cummylicious person yk?!
by catsarecoolasballs June 20, 2022
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When to take a shit and decide to have a wank (shit wank combo), then proceed to ejaculate onto said defecation, thus ‘frosting the cake
Holly: Hey Chelsea did you hear about Rowan frosting the cake?

Chelsea: no, what’s that mean?

Holly: it’s when you take a shit and jizz on it.

Chelsea: oh right on! Nice!
by Nick loves yogurt July 30, 2022
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The literal spawn of Satan. Seems tempting, but should be avoided at all costs. Tastes like a failed Chemistry project from 7th grade. That shit looks nice at first, but when you stick it in your mouth it's like a wild koala just shit inside of you. MUST NEVER TRY. SAVE YOURSELVES. EAT BRICKS BEFORE EATING THIS WITCHCRAFT.
John: hey dude wanna make cake in a mug?
Steve: man fuck that I'd rather have Oprah piss In my mouth
by Uniquexox November 23, 2014
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My girl is such a dream cake, I love her more than anything in the world.
by Cakez May 13, 2023
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A girls ass that is fatter than what’s expected
Did you see Hannah’s instagram, I didn’t know her ass was that fat, she got a Ghost Cake
by Finsterblaster May 3, 2019
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Grant likes some cake. Especially ones by his dad. It makes him feel bloated.
Damn Grant's Cake is impressive don't you think so?
by _y.kim October 11, 2020
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