Someone, girl or guy, who likes to dress and listen to certain music like the rest of the scene consists of bandanas, bows, lots of accessories, band t-shirts, tight jeans, leopard print, etc.
Music is usually angst-y, something along the lines of skinny puppies/from first to last.
Pretty much a pathetic excuse of a life, pretend that their non'conformists when they have really been conforming in some way all along.. hmm. makes ya think.
example. scene kids
*scene girl* Omg. Lets all go get t-shirts with bands or old school pokemon/dinosaurs/hello kitty and be rad and have lame-ass names, such as kayla-Rawr, and dye our hair every two weeks because we need to have a different edge all the time, and get piercings and think lower of the so called "conformists", even though we are all dressing the same, and listening to the same music, and acting the same.. hmm.. EXCEPT! We can't say we're scene. Or else we really won't be scene, cause then we won't get any scene points... then we won't have anything to do with our lives. D:
ohmigod. i'm out of HAIRSPRAY!! Now what the fuck can i do?!?!
by ____(blank) August 14, 2008
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I have, however, never seen the scene kid reproductive system. I have reason to believe its very much like yours and mine, but their mating patterns are very different, they seem to mate with several partners at any one time in the space of a few days ,and never ever commit to a single partner. I have called this system "Whorus Maximus...". They also seem to adorn tribal tattoos, often two swallows, across either the chest or stomach. I believe this to represent a unity they will never experience due to being "Whorus Maximus
by Just Meeeeeeee February 22, 2011
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Kids in the music scene. You see them hanging around local shows or the mall. They have volumized, choppy, layered hair with sidebangs. They are usually weraing tight pants, slim band Ts or deigner shirts. Sometimes you will see them wearing big glasses, glasses with no lenses, bandanas, necklaces with big icons on them, etc.
Those scene kids are so neat lookin'!
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scene kids usually have a stick straight hair and a major comb over and more then one color in there hair. they also like to where alot of eye make up and dont really work on there face just there eyes. scene kids DONT cut themselves. they wear extremely tight skinny jeans and a band tshirt or a v-neck and a pair of converse or vans.they listen to punk, rock, and scremo music and most of them smoke weed and skate board.
i saw a scene kid smokin a joint and riding a board yesterday.
by scenekid1234567 July 26, 2010
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guy1: "dude i hate that kid" guy2: "i know i punched him in the nose at a show because he's such a poser" guy1: "of course he is, he's a scene kid."
by retardedmax July 6, 2010
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A wannabe scene kid is someone who comforms to other people and clings onto them like a leech, sucking out someone else's style into their own, and can't think of anything original. A Wannabe Scene Kid can go behind their "friends" behind their backs and talk about them in a negative way, and act like they like them when they're with that person (i.e hypocrite). They also blow off their "used-to-be" friends because no one else liked them (i.e conforming to other ideas)
Sentence: That Sarah girl is such a wannabe scene kid!

by Lol_Kid489 April 16, 2009
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alright, lets not be retarted and write something completely wrong like the one that came before this. what the other one describes is black kids who follow the kanye, kidrobot culture. not necessarily black scene kids because to be a black scene kid, there is a different set of criteria.

Black scene kids are basically and overa all like regular scene kids. They face the same stereotypical scrutiny, only because they are black it is sometims harder, or more difficult to explain what you are seing as how the african american culture is still working on their adjustment to this kind of "change" in the status quo.

Black scene kids can follow the typical scene culture, or can stray away, sometimes they are labeleg goth's by stupid black parents/adults who know nothing about today's youth.

Black scene boys can have relaxed hair to make it straight and silky, but can also have a low cut/shaved head or a fro. Braids are not common. They can wear skinny jeans, band tees, vans, nikes, any ,kind of shoes and clothing that is typically seen in the scene culture.

black scene girls often relax their hair or if you were just born with an unruly head of hair, weave :/ which in my term is coping out (be like the rest of us relax that shit) it is not common for girls to go natural with a "fro" if you will. kind of erica badu ishh if u ask me, but it probably can be done.

all types of body modifications are popular among the black scene kid community. It has come to my attention that septums, monroes, and any other form of lower/upper lip rings are common as opposed to eyebrow rings. This goes for both sexes.

sometimes black scene kids are confused with "cool kids" which is something kind of similar that i wont explain.

if your one of those people who hate scene kids, you will probably hate a black scene kid too.

black scene kids can listen to all kind of musical genres. They, like normal scene kids, and people in general, are free to branch out their range of musical interest.
omg, look at those black scene kids, they're so fly.

that black scene kid girl is way hotter than my ex girlfriend. I love black scene kids xD

Is it me or are black scene kids with corbin bleu fros really hot? o_o

I wish i had the gaul to be a black scene kid :/

Black scene kids really throw down at shows , hot damn.
by TrashyPanda October 29, 2008
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