The most beautiful, Amazing, sexy, gorgeous, flawless, amazing personality, fun to be around, the girl who just makes you the happiest guy alive - Kayla Caniano
I love Kayla Caniano so damn muchc: shes so damn perfect
by Gordy Furlo July 2, 2011
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It's something that you want so bad it hurts. You know that if you had it, it would quit hurting you. But you also know that deep inside, it'll probably never quit hurting you.
I think the people we look at and label "the perfect people" are the same people look back at us and envy us as "the perfect people". In other words, 'the grass is always more perfect on the other side'.
by Nameless June 20, 2014
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something that is impossible to achive....ever because everyone has diffrent meanings of perfection therefore nobody could ever be perfect.some other person will think of the person who belives he/she is "perfect" is imperfect.
Boy: that girl is perfection.
Boy2:no she isnt that other girl is.
boy3:nobody is perfect ever
by ImperfectGothGirl December 12, 2010
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Everything about you is great. You have friends, your attractive, make people smile, everyone likes you, smart, etc.
Damn, that girl Steph is perfect.
by Mike Sauvageau June 5, 2004
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1. Lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of its nature or kind.
2. Being without defect or blemish: a perfect specimen.
3. Thoroughly skilled or talented in a certain field or area; proficient.
4. Completely suited for a particular purpose or situation
That specimen is perfect, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Everything worked out perfectly, it worked out just as we had planned

Teacher "Can anyone give me a definition of perfect?" Katie "That would be me!"
by English classmate12345 February 8, 2010
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Perfection is a state of mind. One must be ignorant to the hidden flaws for something to be perfect, for in this universe, there is no room for perfection...and yet it is all around us.
the more you think about it the more you realize how true it is, this is what perfection is
by JordansInsanity July 25, 2009
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See plastics
A perfect is like an uber-plastic. They think they are the most popular people ever. All the plastics aspire to be, and are medicore copies of the perfects. They are slutty bitches and generally only pretend to be nice.
Plastic 1: Omgz!!!!111!!1 *bows down* I love you hair!
Perfect 1: Thankuu, u may rise.
Perfect 2: Now go fetch me a drink *bitches to other perfects about annoying little kidz*
by Mentalists October 29, 2008
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