When you are fucking a dude and have to take a shit. You stop penetrating the asshole and shit from his belly button all the way to his nose. Making sure to smear it all over his mouth.
Adam and I were having sex, when our of no were he gave me a stanley steamer.
by hash@55daddie December 6, 2018
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He's so kevin stanley it hurts.
by pussyodus August 23, 2017
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A really cool guy who is a gamer and has lots of women who love him.
Damn my slime, you’re such a Stanley Howes”
by Stanley Howes March 2, 2021
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A shorty hairy troll like creature that smells like a sweaty sock that’s been rolled in fromundercheese.
That guy needs a shower because he is getting David Stanley
by Big fisher. August 2, 2022
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When you are at the age in your life when you arent too old to still get an errection, but can longer ejaculate anything more than a puff of air.
These days JJ has been experiencing "the Stanley Dean condition". At least he doesnt need to use condums anymore.
by ut4wade November 1, 2010
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