Victor from IT, is that type of person that everyone is afraid of, better not even look him to the face, he is not someone you would like to have problems with. His arms and voluminous back could leave your head like a sheet of dina4 not to mention his fists that would leave your chest made a strainer.

If you ever hear his voice or someone spell his name you can run or do whatever he wants. If you want to stary alive.
Victor IT: Hi, can I install the app you asked for?
Boss: I'm bussy now and I hate being interrupted

Victor IT: I'm Victor from IT...
Boss: ohh shit here we go again
by Noone1982 November 7, 2019
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Its a stupid guy that dont know anything
Person: Hey what is 2 + 2

Dumme Victor: Idk because im stupid
by 2+2 IS 4 QUICK MATHS WHAT NEXT November 28, 2017
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The Tanzig for his creation is the most powerful creator in the Thomas The Tank Engine Fandom. Defined as The Creator Of The Stories Of Sodor
Victor Tanzig No Queen Victoria Of course its me

Thank you so much for watching and have a good one
by Optimal BArseneau January 26, 2023
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That one kid that likes anime a lot. Also enjoys compliments about how he looks like Frankie Munez. Also is a seaman. Enjoys long walks on the beach with his dog.
Wow Victor Vaseline really looks like Frankie Munez.
by Hello YAY May 9, 2010
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Verb; name of unknown origin;

Meaning; A person or entity that everyone thinks is a chingon, It has long been theorized that when coming across a person with this name it brings you good luck to give them $100 and tell that person he is cool AF.
Victor Hugo Leon is the most Chingon person I have ever met. Give him all your money.
by El genioo September 12, 2020
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A person who has a mug of themselves when they were still in the womb.
I’ve got a Victor Nash of you I search inside your mum and found you.
by Nonce69 December 16, 2018
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The act of making such poignant odors with your rectal orifice during sexual relations, that your partner or partners(if you are lucky) throw up.
Jenny threw up all of her schwarma when she was receiving sexual favors from Max after he made a {Very Victor}
by Cleoptima March 8, 2009
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