Term frequently used by the Schwartz family tree, predominately those with XY chromosomes, to describe people/objects/actions that have a positive impact on society.
Erik why do you like EDM music? No musical talent there, not a value add!!!
by Rebel03 February 19, 2019
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When you’re an eligible bachelor and good with kids. Very desirable to single mom’s. Not to be mistaken for “Plug and Play”.
She saw a future with him. All her problems solved. Standard, Instant family just add Tony.
by Monopoly God May 10, 2021
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Asking to grow your penis longer
I’d like a double cheeseburger, a large fry, and a large coke

Anything else sir?

Yeah can you add an inch to that order please?
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The repeated patching up of a flimsy argument for a ridiculous proposition made by someone you’d think would be smarter.

Reductape is Latin for the process of repeatedly patching something until all you see is the patch and you can no longer see the thing being patched.

Absurdium is an isotope of Einsteinium (Es, atomic number 99) which when present in the brain of even the hugest genius renders them stupid.
Did you hear Trump’s latest claims that the election was rigged?
Yes. It was a case of reductape add absurdium.
by Len Bakerloo December 5, 2020
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