A pee pee or its abbreviation (Pp) is the part intimate part of a male human that uses it as a mean to engage in pp activities with a female, there are different species of pps some of them more fascinating than others.
by TheSnowTropper September 15, 2019
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1. The male has a pee pee. He uses this pee to insert into the booty cheeks. Do Not try this at home if pee pee is injured.
Also, urine comes out of pee pee, not out of butthole. That is for dookey.
Guy #1: Hey I put my pee pee in a girl's butt cheeks

Guy #2: Did she like the pee pee?

Guy #1: Yes. Pee pee very good. No homo.
by Pee Pee Gang January 13, 2020
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liquid. hopefully. comes in many colors, like yellow, clear, and some others that u can get by eatin stuff like red or purple or stinky. sometimes, pee pee is not good to drink.
"you smell like pee pee"
by dfasfdsfaf August 9, 2022
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a mans pee pee thats is also a tiktok sound it's very interesting you can owe and also breed with it to create more pee pees females love pee pees we need more pee pees in the world

girl 1: oh man patrisha i would die for his pee pee
girl 2: yeah me too, so does every other girl even jacob
by kolb January 12, 2020
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1. Something that sticks out of a mans pants
2. Urine
by Hint names January 12, 2020
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