The most otp ship you will ever find in the whole entire universe, scarlo, milett
Milo and scarlett are the best ship ever, my otp, meant to be
by Anonymous776Anonymous December 27, 2016
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The act of shitting diarrhoea in the shower and then proceeding to drink it from a cup
I Was thirsty so I had some natural Milo this morning
by saussypnus September 10, 2023
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A gay midget who likes to be touched and is very annoying
Your such a Milo Krain
by Person 6969 May 16, 2022
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The nicest stan that has ever existed. The brightest side on stan twitter. Mostly tweets and defend about melanie. The only straight male crybaby in this universe. Always bring a justice on every stan fight. The mature one but still floping so hard
X : omg have you seen milo stan twitter? He always give a positivity vibes !
Y : yeah, thats very kind of him
by Taylor illicit affair November 22, 2020
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