She is an amazing Tony Lopez fanpage. She’s so creative and AMAZING at edits! She’s so supportive 🤍
Have you heard of juicy..lopez? Yes she is wonderful.
by Gucci..tony May 13, 2021
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Famous ginger criminal mastermind, famous for leading the Minions (Minionverse) from 1973 - 2021.
George: Did you hear about the bank robbery last night, I think it was Zoe Lopez.
Luke: That carrot-top is surely a troublemaker.
by lukiepookiethethird April 29, 2022
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vibing on a frat couch; being in your feelings; must wear aviators
oh there he is lopezing again”
by oanskanzjak May 11, 2018
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The most beautiful person ever is named this.
“She’s so pretty what’s her name?”
“That’s Tegan Lopez.”
by PeppermintKing3 September 13, 2023
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Nelly Lopez

A funny amazing girl, she's smart, pretty, have a great body and an amazing personality. She can fit in with any crowd making her really popular but not letting it get the best of her. If you get to meet her you are so lucky, she's loyal and trustworthy and so understanding. And If get the chance to love her, hold on to her because there's no way in the world you'love ever get someone as good as her.
Is that Nelly Lopez! Omg she's the best
by iknowthesetrustme November 30, 2016
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