Gage is a SUPER weeb who skates too much and is prob an e-boy. His Bi-con is David Bowie and he whines like a little shenk.
Omigod, Gage Harman is a nasty little weeaboo with a baby voice.
by Gage Harman The Weeb July 18, 2019
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The sexiest man with the biggest dong of all time, everyone adores this man
I love Gage Brown!
by Gage Brown January 22, 2021
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erm what is going on I only play the binding of isaac
waht the spruce?? THat object is bolbous like Thomas Gage Hammerstroms fo head!!!11!1
by green goinkus January 30, 2023
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Being Cannon Gage is when you would sacrifice everything for someone you care about.
I would Cannon Gage for you
by CAHERMAN March 4, 2022
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Big ass fat dicks and pussy hair he also has shit dick game but it's fat
Damn sexy gage is an absolute baller
by I eat fat weeni April 1, 2022
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A person who destroys somebody's dreams by pulling out their happy trail.
He just had to be a Gage Slyman and pull out my happy trail at lacrosse practice.
by foreskinlover October 12, 2010
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A take (or opinion) on something that is so horribly bad that nothing could be a worse take and no one would ever agree with it. If someone says the worst possible opinion on a topic then it would be known as a Gage take.
Gage: I personally think that pineapple belongs on pizza.
Everyone else: That’s a Gage Take.
by IgnoredShark April 23, 2023
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