The Dead Zoo is the nickname given to Dublin’s Natural history museum, on Merrion Street, Dublin 2
This supposedly is because of it skeletons of the 11,000-year-old giant deer and Spoticus the giraffe
It’s raining out, how about we take the kids to the dead zoo?
by Sinnia March 20, 2023
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The combined smell of all the outdoor animal asses coming from a single point.
by Jcougar12 October 19, 2023
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this word means that the person you are referring to suffers from mental retardation.
I'm Going on a date with Molly the moron so im gonna taker to da zoo, caz retards love da zoo.
by Jay Crew jr January 8, 2008
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Appropriate shoes for a 4-year-old to wear to the zoo. They have laces. Must cover your toes and are almost always pink in color. These are not sandals, work boots, rain boots or crocs.
Philina had to find zoo shoes before we left the house to go to the zoo.
by edeninoctober August 28, 2021
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The Hmong word for “Good” and many, many more definitions in the hmong langauge.
It is also pronounce (ZHONG) Long O sound.
Nyob ZOO koj nyob li cas lawm (Hello how are you?)
by immortal taisi June 23, 2022
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A crazy place were monkeys throw shit at people and tigers kill thing and lamas spit on you
by Green ass monkey 3000 November 7, 2020
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There's a Zoo of ugly creatures in here
by MushroomMoe November 12, 2021
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