best song in the world (real) (really good) (xd) (miiniton) (scary pig) (ball)
the piggy is very scary in psycho pig (very scary) (very scary)
by MaybeNotSourdart June 8, 2021
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A McJuggerNuggets viewer who only watches McJuggerNuggets for mass destruction videos, usually has low-functioning autism.
Guy 1 (Neurotypical): Man I love certain MJN series like My Virtual Escape and Rule 19, it really shows Jesse's expertise in storytelling and acting.

Guy 2 (Psycho Brain): Haha pyscho dad brek stuf *down syndrome noises*
by theenglishlexiconisretarded April 17, 2022
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A newly used term for psilocybin mushrooms, shrooms or anything hallucinogen or psychedelic.
A: hey psycho bitch!
B: what.

A: you know?
B: no
A: you got any drugs? Mushrooms?
B: what. No!
A: the other day you said you had psycho bitch!

B: I meant I had psycho bitch—fever!
A: what??
B: I didn’t know what I was saying, I wasn’t feeling well and I felt I was a bit crazy…
by Mrs Mrs Mrs March 25, 2023
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That crazy ex-girlfriend that won't go away.
I can't get rid of her, she won't go away. She's psycho Fido
by Zack's mom October 12, 2023
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Psycho-Wolf : An entrepreneur that attempts an often dominates in multiple industries. Usually achieved through partnership, licensing, and affiliates.
Mark is a wolf is the crypto game but, Dom is a straight Psycho-Wolf he does crypto real estate stock and he is a business owner.
by Psycho-Wolf December 2, 2021
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I'm so PSYCHO-OPTIC I could see that dude was gonna eat his cat with beans and rice.
by Hotel 6 December 21, 2016
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a dumbass faggot who hangs around in #dod, even when people tell him to leave... a scot wannabe
"hay faggit, get a clue, this channel doesnt liek you, now gtfo"
by pd's mom August 19, 2003
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