A phrase used to describe the time spent when males are together in a friendly setting. Also known as "bro time". It is common, but not required, for this to take place in areas known as man-caves. Abbreviation: DBD.
Jim: Hey want to play some COD4 tonight in my basement?
Bill: Will there be any girls there?
Jim: No way, it's Dudes Being Dudes.
Bill: I'm always up for some DBD!
by redsoxhater818 December 27, 2011
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A resident of the land of aquarius, conqueror of the Swedish acid queen, and master of falling asleep while performing everyday activities such as eating or smoking a nickel nug.
The dude is always dudeing around.
The dude came by the other day to pick up a nickel nug.
by Dr.Dankenstein March 9, 2009
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Word you use when you have a brain-fart and use the word to replace an actual sentence. Always gets the point across because of the stupidity engraved in the word. The best word ever.
Dude: And then I fell off my board and hit the ground!
Other dude: Dude!!
Dude: Dude! I know!!
Other dood: DUDE!!!
Dude: RIGHT DOOD?!?!?!11?!!?1
by TheAntiBallJuggler May 1, 2009
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A dude is a hair on an elephants buttox.
The dudes on the rump of an elephant help keep flies away from that region.
by a worm January 15, 2010
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"What's dudely doing?"
by clay west May 17, 2003
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A dude is a bump on a mules rump. It is a western cowboy term.
"Dude Ranch" was a derogatory term. Calling a wantabe cowboy a dude was an insult he did not get.
by Real Cowboy April 7, 2011
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A pimple on a donkeys ass!!! Well they smell like a donkeys ass and they act like an ass.
1)Hey dude!
2)Yo dude!
1)whats up man?
2) nothin
2) kewl
by wtf....ask me November 8, 2003
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