Hey, turn around and I’ll give you a vape cape! *hit vape and blows a giant cloud against my friend’s back*
by NekoNyko November 15, 2021
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When your at a dead stop and have to turn right onto the highway going 60mph then turn left off the highway into a parking lot, pull a U-ie and then take another right into the 60mph traffic
Traffic on Cape Cod in the Summer sucks, youve gotta take a Cape Cod Left turn to ever get going left on the highway
by PeeOnMe1776 July 15, 2023
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A suburb of nothing full of idiots, transplants, and bubbas (the north carolina trio of the damned) who think a leased "luxury" pickup truck and mortgage on a 300k tract home is a sign of wealth.
Cape Carteret truly is the land of the 80k a year millionaire.
by jennitayla69 March 20, 2021
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It's actually an island. It's been an island since the Wilson administration. I don't give a fuck about your branding, call it what it is: "Cod Island"
I'm on my way to a job on Cod Island, formerly known as "Cape Cod," and there's so many rich old bastards and upper class methadome addicts that it's like I never left Florida!
by mike_dawson69 April 6, 2022
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Winter's Asshole from januaryuary to April. Sleet is all over the place and everywheres deserted. The only thing for locals then is boredom, depression, school/work, drugs, and cold.

The intermediate seasons arent much better. October-December rain all the fucking time, it's 45 degrees, and overall shit. Oh, and white Christmas? Fuck that! we get rainy ass, Cold, depressing christmas.

A beautiful place with nice beaches and stuff to do in the summer. The only downside in the summer is the tourists who can't drive for shit and rich fucturds that charge 100 dollars for parking at beaches. Oh, and the water is cold AF year round.
"You live on Cape Cod? Lucky!"
"The Fuck you high on? It's winter's asshole."
by Dragonborn13131 December 29, 2018
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