To date as many people as possible both in a single date and long term relationship for no particular purpose other than to elicit bordom. Making ones way through life by having so many dating partners one has all their basic needs and more fulfilled
Help me! I pulled The Brigette Maneuver and I brought NINE tinder dates to the club tonight.
by Oshen Fjre June 9, 2020
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While on the highway, cut across three or more lanes of traffic to get to the exit you knew was there, and then proceed to speed through the exit.
Luke: yo, that man just pulled the Ooga Booga

Ben: what's an Ooga Booga Maneuver?
Luke: It's when you cross through like five Kane's at once, and then speed up through your exit.
Ben: Damn, he's crazy
by TheMooseAssassin May 12, 2019
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A term describing the effort of a buyer to bully or harass a seller online into selling an item below listing amount. Similar term Gaslighting. The buyer threatening to leave a seller negative feedback because the buyer didn’t get their way. A buyer placing a order on eBay and claiming it wasn’t delivered. A buyer leaving a false review that puts the seller on the defensive. Being a terrible buyer.
eBay seller 1- I had a buyer pull the Holda Maneuver on me.

eBay seller 2- ‘What happened?

eBay seller 1- Well the first time dealt with this buyer I had no problems but once I refused his offer on another item he started harassing me thru my inbox and eventually left me a negative review claiming I was calling him names and causing drama. I simply refused his offer.
by PGPDO219 October 9, 2022
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the (while in the act of masturbating) putting your hand like a shield in a cupping shape over your belly button area to protect your clothing from jizz shots.
he was about to cum, but the ol handshield maneuver saved him from jizz stains on his shirt
by aCockyRooster June 28, 2017
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The act of inserting a colleagues' pc mouse into the own vagina in order to show dominance over that bitch.
Colleague A: "E. is being a real snitch again!"
Colleague B: "Guess it's time for another Southern Brunswick Mouse Maneuver."
by Albfred July 20, 2017
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The act of using the right turn lane to pass all traffic once the light turns green at an intersection.
Habibi pulled an Adam maneuver and passed all traffic.
by Hannah Starr February 20, 2022
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